Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Day 31 - Recreate a Manicure You Love

OPI Russian Navy, OPI My Boyfriend Scales Walls, OPI I Lily Love You, Hare Polish Midsummer's Midnight

Take that, 31 Day Challenge! 396 days after I started the 31 Day Challenge it's finally finished. I have so much admiration for bloggers who actually do it in 31 days. Crazy kids!

Day 31 for the 2012 31 Day Challenge was 'Recreate a Manicure You Love'. I absolutely loved this manicure by Rose from Every Little Polish. I've been wanting to attempt it for a while and this seemed to be the perfect time to do it. 

My version didn't come out anywhere near as sophisticated as Rose's but I still liked it. Bigger dots and an overlaying polish that was a little too sheer were the failing points compared to Rose's mani. Next time I'll have to plan the colours more and try to track down my missing dotter (I used the end of a nail art brush for this one which is why the dots were so huge). 


  1. I love the effect, the dotted tips are great and I specially love that you used big dots ;)
