Friday, December 30, 2011

New Year's Glitter Fest

Sally Hansen Celeb City, Milani Silver, China Glaze Blue Year's Eve

These are my New Year's Eve nails. Of course I had to use China Glaze Blue Year's Eve, none of my other nail polishes are have New Year's specific names so I figured it was a definite. I've always loved glitter accent nails and have recently seen a few reverse sort of accent nails, where the crazy glitter bombs are on all the nails and the accent nail is just a plain colour. So I blinged out all my nails and did a little gradient type thing over Blue Year's Eve. I was trying to go for a glittery gradient like getnail-d's accent nail on her mermaid nails mani but I kind of went a little bit overboard. 

In other news... I'm moving from my little home town in the country to the big bad city! On New Year's day I'm heading off to live in Sydney, which is why I've done my New Year's nails a day early. I'll be too busy packing tomorrow. Of course I'm taking all my polishes, and getting them through the six hour drive meant packing them securely. I had a cardboard box from work and some packing bubbles so I made a little double storey nail polish box to transport them. This photo shows about two thirds of my current collection, all snug in their little box. 

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